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Robot type "GITA" that follows the owner automatically

A completely new type of carry bag "GITA" equipped with automatic tracking function is about to be released...
2017/04/04 UPDATE
  • Originally it was only combining the ordinary suitcase with the robotics function, but in the end it became a unique shape like a big wheel with the tire size of the truck rolling the owner after loading it inside It evolved into a robot coming in while. In follow mode, you can learn who you want to track with smartphone or wearable device, create 3D map while gathering surrounding information at destination, let you follow behind at an interval while avoiding obstacles . There is also an automatic driving mode, and you can also move automatically from the pre-registered place to the specified destination. Despite the reduction in storage capacity than the original carryback, Google and others are likely to make it an excellent home delivery drone running on the ground under development.
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