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Negative action spiral of people who can not throw things

Nonetheless, it is not easy to distinguish between necessary items and unnecessary things in this age with many things.
2017/05/02 UPDATE
  • 出典: refopedia.jp
  • However, because things are full of familiar things, they can not escape unless things are thrown away, so that they can not escape from that state, accusing themselves of being "unable to clean up" themselves. I rush and pick up my hands at random, but it does not work. Moreover, it puts it in a very vicious circle that it adds to the amount which can not be handled even more by buying storage items which can not be handled, too much thought to put it away ... ....

    «Vicious circle pattern of inability to clean up»

    I can not throw things

    I am frustrated on the way to an amount of money that I can not afford

    I feel awkward

    Grab your hand at the moment

    To buy storage items, etc., extra things increase

    I can not store it well

    Go back to things where things can not be thrown away

    Learn the judgment power of "Yes" or "I do not need"

    In the world, it is often said that "a thing - an unnecessary thing = an important thing", but if you really try to decide an "unnecessary thing" first, the judgment becomes loose by all means. As mentioned earlier, because the psychology of "Because it can not be used ..." will work.

    However, if you really want to clean up, let's think of "a thing - an important thing = a throwing thing". If we can not affirm "an important thing", it is a good thing to throw away. "Throwing is not an act that was as big as you thought," Okada says.

    Is it really necessary for your life? Let's ask your heart once about once you get lost if you throw it away. With that feeling "a mottainai", wasting your heart and time, which is "a mottainai"?
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