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What is real despair: What is true despair?

Is it when all the money is gone? Have you failed in the examination?
2017/05/12 UPDATE
  • Is it when the house burned? Is it the case when all household goods are stolen by a thief? Is it when I lost my job? I wonder if I suffered a traffic accident and lost my limbs. No, none is different. Please look carefully. Everything is serious, as long as you can do it all over again.
    If you do not have the money you can earn again, or you can find a job even if you lose your job. Even if you lose your limbs, there are prosthetic hands and prosthetic limbs. Many of us misunderstood despair.
    True despair is when you lose your life. No matter how much money or time is lost, only the lost life can not be undone and can not be regained. When you lose your life, all the possibilities are completely lost. In other words, while you are alive, you can not experience real despair. It is misunderstanding that he is depressed and desperate. A wonderful treasure of life is left at the end. Life can start over and over again. As long as there is life, giving up is still too early.
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