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What is the difference between "hospitality" and service?

It's okay to immerse yourself in reading, and you can also visit the museum and see the view.
2017/06/08 UPDATE
  • Points of regard for hospitality Point ①: Do not expect unexpected worries

    For example, in the restaurant the waiter brings a hand towel. What is being prepared for futon in the inn is called "service".

    When we hand towel, we call the word "work hard work cheerful" or put a note written "beside the mat laid down slowly" on the side of the covered futon is called "hospitality" Yes.

    In other words, what you are expecting is only service, and the kind of care that betrays customer expectations in a good way is called "hospitality".

    Hospitality is born out of feeling considering the partner. Those who think carefully about their opponent and who can do fine quality care can be ladies and gentlemen.
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