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Tolerant person expresses anger with kindness, the moment I thought "This perason is very tolerant".

To say who I felt was actually 9 years older than she was.I promised her a date. The time I promised, I was late for ...
2017/05/29 UPDATE
  • It was about ten minutes that I was late. Originally it is manners to arrive before the appointed time on the date. There is a feeling I want to meet with the important person as soon as possible, so I can not let him wait.
    Nevertheless I let him wait for 10 minutes. Of course I know that it is not good to be late. "If you are going to break up because of being late ... ...."
    When I was headed to the promised place in a hurry, an email came from her. Of course, I thought that it would be an email of anger, I was surprised. "Where are you now, I want to see you soon" It was a kind email. I was struggling asexual. That is a warning from her not to be late. In fact it would have wanted to say, "I can not let you be late!" I can understand well that I have caught up with my anger. I'm paraphrasing the word "I will not be late" with the word "I want to meet you soon". I was about to cry. This is a Tolerant person. It is not about sending "irritated mail" to the irritated feelings. That's normal. If you hit an irritation, you will be fighting. I know that a Tolerant person just gets fighting irritated if you hit it.
    It is good to paraphrase your irritated feelings as different expressions as much as possible. Although it was just a meeting for a date, it was the moment when I saw that person 's true face. It was a stupid one for Tolerant personal older.
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